Posts Tagged ‘bumper stickers’

One proposed bumper sticker in this compilation of Orthodox humor!  Alot of oldies-but-goodies (What else? We’re Orthodox – even Geek Orthodox [sic]!!), but one or two I hadn’t seen before.  Funny, wise, ironic, self-deprecating, it’s all there!

Some are insiders, like the last one about the (mostly-Lenten) Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.  The actual text is “Round about You stand the Seraphim, one with six wings and the other with six wings: with two they cover their faces, with two they cover their feet, with two they fly, crying out to one another with unceasing voices and ever-resounding praises, singing the victory hymn, proclaiming, crying out, and saying,” followed by the Holy, Holy, Holy (same as the Sanctus in the Western rites, and not to be confused with the Trisagion or Thrice-Holy Hymn: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.”).

I’ll go them one better: This is probably so big a problem for priests because I’m guessing they heard in seminary that feet is said to be an ancient euphemism for privates (or lower body if you like), hence fly (ie, pants zipper – though of course angels don’t wear pants, but gowns!)!  I’m not certain that’s taught in Orthodox seminaries, but it is in Latin and Protestant ones….  Maybe my lower body would be preferable for us Orthodox.  My Western seminary professors were always trying to find extra sex in Scriptures and ancient writings – as if there weren’t enough!  Maybe they were frustrated English majors!!!  (I have a Bachelor’s in English, so I can say that! 😉 )